I want to get main image from wikipedia page, I have all wikipedia entity name from which I create wiki link and getting main image from that page.
I tried with
https://github.com/richardasaurus/wiki-api, https://github.com/goldsmith/Wikipedia
But this does not work on all pages though page contains image.
from wikiapi import WikiApi
wiki = WikiApi()
wiki = WikiApi({ 'locale' : 'es'})
def getWikiImage(entity):
results = wiki.find(entity)
print results
if len(results):
article = wiki.get_article(results[0])
print article.image
#getWikiImage("Rudy Sarzo")
getWikiImage("Melody Gersbach")
mediawiki api at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Client_code#Python I checked out, but does not seem to help.
Here is little example how to get wikipage and main image should be the first one on the page.
import wikipedia
PAGES = ['New York', 'Mercury_(planet)', 'Tucana']
for page in PAGES:
wikipage = wikipedia.page(page)
print "Page Title: %s" % wikipage.title
print "Page URL: %s" % wikipage.url
print "Nr. of images on page: %d" % len(wikipage.images)
print " - Main Image: %s" % wikipage.images[0]
print ""
Checkout out Quickstart guide for Wikipedia API.