Search code examples

How to find and click a table element by text using Protractor?

<tr id="item" ng-repeat="item in itemList>
   <td id="code" ng-repeat="column in columns">Some Text</td>

I've seen some other similar questions but I couldn't solve it yet. Thats what I've tried so far:

element.all(by.repeater('column in columns')).findElement('code')).getText('Some Text').click();


<tr ng-repeat="item in items>

Which results in:

<td>Some Name</td>
<td>Some Text</td>
<td>More Name</td>
<td>More Text</td>

etc etc


  • You need to filter() the desired element:

    var columns = element.all(by.repeater('column in columns'));
    columns.filter(function (elm) {
        return elm.getText().then(function (text) {
            return text == 'Some Text';