I'm creating DateTime objects using createFromFormat() method. I can't find it specified if the strings for format argument are case sensitive, where it comes to non-numerical parts. My question is about that matter - are the string arguments for DateTime::createFromFormat case sensitive?
Is this:
DateTime::createFromFormat('M', 'May');
DateTime::createFromFormat('A', 'am');
equivalent to this:
DateTime::createFromFormat('M', 'may');
DateTime::createFromFormat('A', 'AM');
I see I should clear out the purpose of the question. Rules are not clearly stated in the documentation. Tests are obvious thing to do, but do not show the consistency between systems/versions etc., which is questionable when not specified. I'm asking if I've omitted anything that can prove how PHP works here. Thank you all for your time.
Yes it's case insensitive.
$a = DateTime::createFromFormat('M', 'May');
$b = DateTime::createFromFormat('M', 'may');
var_dump($a == $b); //True