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Bundler can't find a gem that I can install using gem install

I am developing two gems side-by-side, one that contains some pure ruby functionality and one with an interface for Rails.

The Rails gem (rwanda-rails) depends on the pure Ruby gem (rwanda) with spec.add_runtime_dependency "rwanda" "~> 0.6.0" in the .gemspec. However, for some reason bundler can't find this new version -- although I can install it with gem install:

15:40 slack@kevin:~/rails/rwanda-rails[master]$ gem install rwanda
Successfully installed rwanda-0.6.0
Parsing documentation for rwanda-0.6.0
Done installing documentation for rwanda after 0 seconds
1 gem installed
15:48 slack@kevin:~/rails/rwanda-rails[master]$ bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching version metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "rwanda~> 0.6.0":
  In Gemfile:
    rwanda-rails (>= 0) ruby depends on
      rwanda~> 0.6.0 (>= 0) ruby
Could not find gem 'rwanda~> 0.6.0 (>= 0) ruby', which is required by gem 'rwanda-rails (>= 0) ruby', in any of the sources.

Confirm that rwanda is installed:

15:50 slack@kevin:~/rails/rwanda-rails[master]$ gem list
*** LOCAL GEMS ***

rwanda (0.6.0)

Bundler is configured to install gems in ~/vendor/bundle/:

15:50 slack@kevin:~/rails/rwanda-rails[master]$ ls -1 ~/vendor/bundle/gems/
[...lots of gems...]

I guess I'm confused about where bundler is installing its gems and why it can't find a gem that seems to be available.

I'm using ruby 2.2.1, set via a .ruby-version in the gem's directory. $GEM_PATH and $GEM_HOME are not set (should they be? does rbenv take care of that?).

I also installed and then removed rbenv-bundler (after finding the warnings from the rbenv developers) and am worried that it might have left something behind that is interfering?

I have three plugins installed for rbenv: binstubs, gem-rehash and ruby-build.

I've also tried rbenv rehash, bundle install --binstubs and bundle update (which fails with the same message as bundle install.


  • it seems like you are missing a , between the gem name and the version in the gemspec:

    spec.add_runtime_dependency("rwanda", "~> 0.6.0")