I have recently implemented the Google+ API. I managed to succesfully authenticated and move forward to the main activity. My issue is that I would like to include a "LogOut" option in the action bar menu and when the user comes back he will be prompted to login again.
I read several answers however I wasnt able to implement them.
can you please suggest the best way to implement this solution and suggest a good example?
So I manage to solve the issue, i created the below base class and just inherited it over the needed activities, I tested and it worked as expected. to anyone who needs an idea on how to build it you can use the below code.
Two points, on the main login activity you will need to change the flags state according to the on click events.
if you like to logout from G+ account on other activity, make sure to initilize the GoogleApiClient first otherwise you will get null object reference exception.
hope that will help someone...
public class BaseClass extends AppCompatActivity implements
GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks, GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener{
/* Request code used to invoke sign in user interactions. */
private static final int RC_SIGN_IN = 0;
protected GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient;
protected Context mContext;
/* "mIntentInProgress" is A flag indicating that a PendingIntent is in progress and prevents
* us from starting further intents.
* True if we are in the process of resolving a ConnectionResult
* "mSignInClicked" FLAG is True if the sign-in button was clicked. When true, we know to resolve all
* issues preventing sign-in without waiting.
public boolean mIntentInProgress;
public boolean mSignInClicked;
public String mPersonName;
public String mImageUrl;
public String mEmailAddress;
public BaseClass(){
public void CreateClient(Context mContext){
//Client builder that return GoogleAPI client, make the connection from the app to the G+ service
mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)
.addConnectionCallbacks(this)//add OnConnected and OnConnectionSuspended methods to control the connection state
.addOnConnectionFailedListener(this) // add OnConnectionFaild listener in case connection was failed.
.addScope(Plus.SCOPE_PLUS_PROFILE)//profile permission from the user
.addScope(Plus.SCOPE_PLUS_LOGIN)// login details from the user
public void onConnected(Bundle bundle) {
Log.i("google base class", "onConnected invoked");
try {
if (Plus.PeopleApi.getCurrentPerson(mGoogleApiClient) != null) {
Person currentPerson = Plus.PeopleApi.getCurrentPerson(mGoogleApiClient);
mPersonName= currentPerson.getDisplayName();
mEmailAddress = Plus.AccountApi.getAccountName(mGoogleApiClient);
} catch (Exception e) {
} }
public void onConnectionSuspended(int i) {
Log.i("google base class", "onConnectionSuspended invoked");
public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult result) {
Log.i("google base class", "onConnectionFailed invoked");
if (!mIntentInProgress) {
if (mSignInClicked && result.hasResolution()) {
// The user has already clicked 'sign-in' so we attempt to resolve all
// errors until the user is signed in, or they cancel.
try {
result.startResolutionForResult(this, RC_SIGN_IN);
mIntentInProgress = true;
} catch (IntentSender.SendIntentException e) {
// The intent was canceled before it was sent. Return to the default
// state and attempt to connect to get an updated ConnectionResult.
mIntentInProgress = false;
public void onLogout() {
Log.i("base class", "logout invoked");
if (mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) {
Log.i("base class", "logout invoked");
* Revoking access from google
* */
public void revokeGplusAccess() {
if (mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) {
.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Status>() {
public void onResult(Status arg0) {
Log.e("base class", "User access revoked!");