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Renamed files inside git

I am a new programmer in a team. And at my first day I have this renamed file inside a stage, ready to be committed by git:

 $ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

        modified:   .gitignore
        new file:   reports/SQLS.rar
        renamed:    account/enter_rules.php -> enter_rules.old.php

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)       
        deleted:    account/enter_rules.old.php

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


For the first 2 lines I have no problem. I know what is going on. But for the last one renamed:, I am not sure what should be done . The system is working good.

Inside the work directory I have:


I can not find the enter_rules.old.php file.

It seems the other programmer have created a copy from the file, named the actual as .old, made some tests and new code, than staged the changes and forgot to commit. Than he manually deleted the old.php

What should be the best approach to deal with this situation? I would like to put git status clear before to start to work on it and make my own changes.

I found this post but I am not sure if I should or could commit in my situation. Handling file renames in git

After read all suggestions, that helped me a lot, this is what I did:

  1. I just made a copy (only for safe) from the file enter_rules.php
  2. I "told" to git (to the INDEX) that the file name had been changed. $git commit -m "committing name changes". At this point git dont know that .old was deleted.
  3. Then I typed $git rm "account/enter_rules.old.php" to solve the line:Changes not staged for commit: . In the same way we use $git add . to "tell" git to track a <file>, we should use $git rm <file> to "tell" git to forget this <file>.
  4. Then I typed $git status and I got the GREEN message: deleted: account/enter_rules.old.php. So I should tell to the index, that the .old file was removed. I typed $git commit -m "committing delete changes"
  5. Now git knows that enter_rules.php was renamed to enter_rules.old.php and then enter_rules.old.php was removed (deleted).
  6. Then I solved the last line (Untracked files:). I just told to git that a new file was created and it calls enter_rules.php. I added and committed as it should be.

All suggestions helped me to solve the issue, so I will try to be fair and will give the check to whose that has less point.


  • It seems clear to me what happened here:

    In the initial state there were two files account/enter_rules.php and account/enter_rules.old.php.

    Your colleague must have done something like this:

    git rm account/enter_rules.old.php
    git mv account/enter_rules.php account/enter_rule.old.php

    then edited a new account/enter_rules.php and left it unstaged.

    If you are ok with the changes just

    git add account/enter_rules.php
    git commit


    rm account/enter_rules.php
    git reset HEAD

    to undo his changes.

    What sound strange to me is why are you working on a colleague's clone of the repository with uncommitted changes?