How can an extension intercept any requested URL to block it if some condition matches? (similar question for Firefox)
What permission needs to be set in manifest.json?
JavaScript Code :
The following example illustrates how to block all requests to
function(details) {
return {cancel: details.url.indexOf("://") != -1};
{ urls: ["<all_urls>"] },
The following example achieves the same goal in a more efficient way because requests that are not targeted to do not need to be passed to the extension:
function(details) {
return { cancel: true };
{urls: ["*://*"]},
Registering event listeners:
To register an event listener for a web request, you use a variation on the usual addListener()
function. In addition to specifying a callback function, you have to specify a filter argument and you may specify an optional extra info argument.
The three arguments to the web request API's addListener() have the following definitions:
var callback = function(details) {...};
var filter = {...};
var opt_extraInfoSpec = [...];
Here's an example of listening for the onBeforeRequest event:
chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(callback, filter, opt_extraInfoSpec);
Permission needed on manifest.json :
"permissions": [
Extensions examples and help links: