I have a class AccountMap in AccountMap.h and AccountMap.cpp. It reads stuff from a binary file (which is ok) and outputs stuff. It runs perfectly fine on g++ compiler but gives me a seg fault on sun c++ CC compiler when I use new operator for the 10 iteration in one of my function. If I ignore the seg fault it still outputs the correct thing. Here is my AccountMap.h:
#ifndef account_map
#define account_map
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <cstring>
#include "Account.h"
using namespace std;
struct CompareCharArrays
bool operator()(const char* a, const char* b) const //overloading () operator
if((strcmp(a,b) < 0))
return true;
return false;
class AccountMap
~AccountMap(); //destructor
void loadData(const char *); //loads data from a given file
int countRecs(const char *); //counts total number of records in the given file
void displayData(); //displays data
multimap<const char *, Account, CompareCharArrays> accounts; //a multipmap
Account** account_manager; //two-D array of accounts
char** key_manager; //two-D array of keys
int total_accounts; //total number of accounts
Here is my AccountMap.cpp function that causes seg fault:
void AccountMap::loadData(const char * file) //loads data from a given file
int num = countRecs(file); //total no of records in the file
ifstream in(file, ios::in | ios::binary);
cerr<<"File doesn't exist!"<<endl;
this->account_manager = new (nothrow) Account*[num];
if(this->account_manager == NULL)
this->key_manager = new (nothrow) char*[num]; //seg fault here during 10th iteration
if(this->key_manager == NULL)
simplyfy_data acc;
this->total_accounts = 0;
while(in.read((char*)&acc, sizeof(simplyfy_data)))
this->account_manager[this->total_accounts] = new (nothrow) Account;
if(this->account_manager[this->total_accounts] == NULL)
this->key_manager[this->total_accounts] = new (nothrow) char;
if(this->key_manager[this->total_accounts] == NULL)
string date;
int len = strlen(acc.dob);
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
this->accounts.insert(pair<const char* const, Account>(key_manager[this->total_accounts],(*account_manager[this->total_accounts]))); //inserting
The error is:
signal SEGV (no mapping at the fault address) in realfree at 0xa2958440
0xa2958440: realfree+0x0068: ld [%o7 + 8], %o5
You allocate space for one character...
this->key_manager[this->total_accounts] = new (nothrow) char;
...then copy many...
You should use std::string
and std::vector
, and avoid new
and const char*
in multimap
keys: you'll be massively more likely to avoid bugs (including memory leaks, and especially if you have exceptions).