Sorry my english
i have this query
select regexp_replace('Hello OBLIG: 451451, world OBLIG: 12123456789, Task OBLIG: 789456123, world ', '(OBLIG: )([^,]*)', '\1\2' , 'g')
I need to return something like this
Hello OBLIG: 1451, world OBLIG: 6789, Task OBLIG: 6123, world
the number after "OBLIG:" should be the last 4 digits
Any idea?
You were almost there.
select regexp_replace(
'Hello OBLIG: 451451, world OBLIG: 12123456789, Task OBLIG: 789456123, world ',
'(OBLIG: )([[:digit:]]*)([[:digit:]]{4})', '\1\3' ,
Of course, this assumes you always have at least 4 digits in each number.