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Overriding Ruby's spaceship operator <=>

I am trying to override Ruby's <=> (spaceship) operator to sort apples and oranges so that apples come first sorted by weight, and oranges second, sorted by sweetness. Like so:

module Fruity
  attr_accessor :weight, :sweetness

  def <=>(other)
    # use Array#<=> to compare the attributes
    [self.weight, self.sweetness] <=> [other.weight, other.sweetness]
  include Comparable

class Apple
include Fruity

def initialize(w)
  self.weight = w


class Orange
include Fruity

def initialize(s)
  self.sweetness = s


fruits = [,,,,,]

p fruits

#should work?
p fruits.sort

But this does not work, can someone tell what I am doing wrong here, or a better way to do this?


  • Your problem is you are only initializing one of the properties on either side, the other one will still be nil. nil isn't handled in the Array#<=> method, which ends up killing the sort.

    There are a few ways to handle the problem first would be something like this

    [self.weight.to_i, self.sweetness.to_i] <=> [other.weight.to_i, other.sweetness.to_i]

    nil.to_i gives you 0, which will let this work.