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Is it possible to mediate Interstitial ads using AdMob?

I have set up an AdMob mediation in my android app, it's working fine, but I also want AdMob to mediate interstitial ads from the other providers. I was unable to find any help or documentation on that, so I am asking here.

This is the code I have for the banner mediation:

    millennialExtras = new MillennialAdapterExtras();

    inmobiExtras = new InMobiAdapterExtras();

    mopubExtras = new MoPubExtras();

    FlurryAgent.init(this, "some id");
    flurryExtras = new FlurryAdapterExtras();

    mAdView = (AdView) findViewById(;
    adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()

And then the ads start rolling.

Now for the interstitials, I am trying to do it like this: in onCreate I have this:

    interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(MainActivity.this);
    interstitialAd.setAdUnitId("some id");
    adRequestInterstitial = new AdRequest.Builder()

and then I have this button for showing interstitial:

public void showInterstitial(View v) {;

My problem is, that I don't know if this is the proper way to do it. I use the same adapter objects for both the AdMob banner and the AdMob interstitial. I have added the needed networks and ad spaces in AdMob dashboard for the interstitial ad space.

So is this way correct?


  • You can definitely mediate interstitials for other ad networks using Admob mediation. And the way that you have done it is exactly correct.