I have set up an AdMob mediation in my android app, it's working fine, but I also want AdMob to mediate interstitial ads from the other providers. I was unable to find any help or documentation on that, so I am asking here.
This is the code I have for the banner mediation:
millennialExtras = new MillennialAdapterExtras();
inmobiExtras = new InMobiAdapterExtras();
mopubExtras = new MoPubExtras();
FlurryAgent.init(this, "some id");
flurryExtras = new FlurryAdapterExtras();
mAdView = (AdView) findViewById(R.id.adView);
adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()
And then the ads start rolling.
Now for the interstitials, I am trying to do it like this: in onCreate I have this:
interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(MainActivity.this);
interstitialAd.setAdUnitId("some id");
adRequestInterstitial = new AdRequest.Builder()
and then I have this button for showing interstitial:
public void showInterstitial(View v) {
My problem is, that I don't know if this is the proper way to do it. I use the same adapter objects for both the AdMob banner and the AdMob interstitial. I have added the needed networks and ad spaces in AdMob dashboard for the interstitial ad space.
So is this way correct?
You can definitely mediate interstitials for other ad networks using Admob mediation. And the way that you have done it is exactly correct.