I need a way to reach a previous state of the graph (i.e undo X number of changes).
Is it possible to store the data, so that later you can replace the graph by that copy? Or is it possible to export the graph to a file and then load a graph from it?
I see three possible ways of doing it, completely independent of py2neo :
Method 1: Simple copy of the store files :
cp -R data/graph.db data/backup
Method 2: Run the backup command :
mkdir /mnt/backup/neo4j-backup
./bin/neo4j-backup -host -to /mnt/backup/neo4j-backup
Method 3: Run the experimental Cypher dump command :
Create a dump of your db
./bin/neo4j-shell -c 'dump MATCH (n) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN r,n' > export.cql
For reimporting your graph, drop your db with Cypher, then :
./bin/neo4j-shell -file export.cql