I have a RGB image called imrgb
, the size of which is 320*512*3
I want to know how to convert it to a two dimensional image?
I saw some colorful images, but they are still two dimensional instead
of three dimensional. Can anyone tell me how to convert it to a
two-dimensional image but still looks colorful?
If I understood right you can store the image data as a 2D array and use a colormap to assign it colors, displaying it as a "colorful" image. In this case the colormap will be a Nx3
array where each row corresponds to an index present (or not) in the image data. So if the colormap is a 256x3 array, for example, the image will be made of indices ranging from 0 to 255.
For example, let's consider the peppers.png demo image that ships with Matlab. Let's read and use the rgb2ind
function to store the image data in variable X
and its associated colormap in variable map
a = imread('peppers.png');
[X,map] = rgb2ind(a,256);
If we ask the size of X
, we get:
ans =
384 512
So a 2D variable, even though the original image (a
) was 3D (rgb).
If we wish to display this 2D data as a colorful we need to provide a suitable colormap. For instance, we can use the original colormap (stored in map
) in order to get the following:
axis off
or we can use any other colormap of our choice.
For example:
colormap(jet(200)) %// The size can be different than the original colormap
axis off
So as you see the image looks 3D but the data is actually 2D.
Is this what you meant?