I need to measure invocation time of Handle method in every instance of IHandleMessages<> interface. I tried to use Interceptor of Castle Windsor,
public class NsbHandlerMeasurementInterceptor : IInterceptor
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
if (invocation.Method.Name == ExpressionExtender.GetMethodName<IHandleMessages<DummyType>>(b => b.Handle(null)))
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
// save stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds value
with installation code:
container.Kernel.ComponentModelBuilder.AddContributor(new NsbWindsorModelConstructionContributor());
public class NsbWindsorModelConstructionContributor : IContributeComponentModelConstruction
public void ProcessModel(global::Castle.MicroKernel.IKernel kernel, global::Castle.Core.ComponentModel model)
if (model.Services.Any(s => s.ImplementsGenericInterface(typeof(IHandleMessages<>))))
model.Interceptors.AddIfNotInCollection(new InterceptorReference(typeof(NsbHandlerMeasurementInterceptor)));
but from that moment Handle method is not firing.
I know about performance counters in NSB, but I need more specific, type-oriented measurements. Is it possible and achievable?
To measure all there is indeed performance counter but if that is not sufficient then you can create your own step in the NServiceBus pipeline.
Create a custom behavior by inheriting IBehavior<IncomingContext>
and implement the interface. You now have access to the IncomingContext
argument which contain information about the types.
Take a look at the implementation of the InvokeHandlersBehavior
behavior. This behavior invokes the actual handler and probably want to wrap that.
class InvokeHandlersBehavior : IBehavior<IncomingContext>
public void Invoke(IncomingContext context, Action next)
ActiveSagaInstance saga;
if (context.TryGet(out saga) && saga.NotFound && saga.SagaType == context.MessageHandler.Instance.GetType())
var messageHandler = context.MessageHandler;
messageHandler.Invocation(messageHandler.Instance, context.IncomingLogicalMessage.Instance);
You then need to register it so that it called included in the pipeline.
class NewStepInPipeline : RegisterStep
public NewStepInPipeline()
: base("NewStepInPipeline", typeof(SampleBehavior), "Logs a warning when processing takes too long")
// Optional: Specify where it needs to be invoked in the pipeline, for example InsertBefore or InsertAfter
class NewStepInPipelineRegistration : INeedInitialization
public void Customize(BusConfiguration busConfiguration)
// Register the new step in the pipeline
Please note that this code requires v5. Check the Particular documentation website for help on other versions.