I am having following VBA Code that has been giving a syntax error. Can someone please help me figure out what is causing the error?
Private Sub Command11_Click()
Dim EndingDate As Date
'Getting ending date from Label named endDate
EndingDate = endDate
StartingDateTxt = DateSerial(Year(EndingDate), Month(EndingDate) - 15, Day(EndingDate))
Dim customerRecords As New ADODB.Recordset
customerRecords.Open "SELECT COUNT(*) AS N FROM (SELECT DISTINCT E.Date,"&_
"E.[Inv Num], E.CusName, E.[Name Street1], E.[Name Street2], "&_
"E.[Name City], E.[Name State], E.[Name Zip], E.[Account #], E.Amount FROM TempFromExcel "&_
"AS E INNER JOIN TempFromExcel AS X ON E.CusName = X.CusName "&_
"WHERE (((DateDiff("d",X.Date,E.Date))>=30)) AND E.Date >= '" & StartingDateTxt & "' and"&_
"E.Date <= '" & endDate & "') AS T ;", _
CodeProject.Connection , _
adOpenStatic, _
adLockOptimistic, _
MsgBox customerRecords("N")
End Sub
My Query is taking both dates and finding the results that are between the two dates.
I think I may be missing at that part only. The rest seems fine as I had explicitly check the query and it runs fine. So is this right ?
E.Date >= '" & StartingDateTxt & "' and E.Date <= '" & endDate & "'
This has been corrected, in the answer but still am getting syntax error in Select statement first line. Am missing something?
Try changing these lines:
"WHERE (DateDiff('d', X.Date, E.Date) >= 30 AND E.Date >= #" & Format(StartingDateTxt, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "# and " & _
"E.Date <= #" & Format(endDate, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "#) AS T ;", _