I'm noob with php, but in a project I want to count the number of files that have a tar.gz, I know how to count files for a zip, but my question is: can I (with a php function) count how many files there are in a tar.gz file.?
With php I can count the number of files inside a zip file with a code like this
$zip = new ZipArchive();
print $zip->numFiles;
print "cant open zip file";
but for tgz files can I do some similar (without use exec function)?
thanks :)
Thanks to Kkinsey I have an answer (with a few modification of his code). the final code will be
$archive = new PharData('/route/to/file.tar.gz');
foreach($archive as $file)
print $i;
thank you @Kkinsey
Try PharData:
// Example: list files
$archive = new PharData('/some/file.tar.gz');
foreach($archive as $file) {
echo "$file\n";