I want to send email from terminal android application. Is there any command for this or any email functions?
I, too, want to be able to send emails from terminal/shell scripts in Android. It took me over a week to figure out how to do it. Obstacles included:
I finally did find a simple solution: curl. It is dead-simple to get it working, but only if you have root access to your device. Here's how to set it up:
A. On your computer (desktop or laptop):
B. Use USB cable to plug your android device into your computer
C. Copy the curl binary from your computer (/data/local/bin/curl in the extracted package) to somewhere in your android device's PATH (I copied it into the /system/xbin directory) and make sure that the file is executable
D. Disconnect device from your computer and happy emailing!
Now you can use curl at the command line (or in your shell scripts) to send emails. Usage example is here: Using curl to send email. You can even send text messages! (see here: http://osxdaily.com/2014/03/12/send-sms-text-message-from-command-line/)