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Link in Email to a Google URL not working

I'm trying to create a simple workflow using Google Forms which sends an automated e-mail for approval.

function sendEmail(e){
  var requestorEmail = e.values[1];
  Logger.log('replyEmail: ' + requestorEmail);
  var SupervisorsEmail = e.values[2]; //manager e-mail
  var ApplicationID = e.values[3];
  var ApplicationDate = e.values[4]; //dateconfirmationSent
  var ApplicantName = e.values[5]; //interpreter name
  var MBO = e.values[6];
  var Processor = e.values[7];
  var ShortReason = e.values[8];
  var ReasonCode = e.values[9];
  var approval = e.values[10];  //the one we need to modify
  var url ='';

  /**might be that the & needs to be a ?*/
  var approve = url + '?approval=true'+'?reply='+requestorEmail;
  var reject = url + '?approval=false'+'?reply='+requestorEmail;

  var html = "<HTML><body>"+
           "<h2>Pend Request</h2><br />"
  +"<P>" + ApplicationID +"  " + ApplicationDate
  +"<p>" + "MBO: "+ MBO  
  +"<p>" + "Processor: " + Processor
  +"<p>" + "Short Reason: "+ ShortReason
  +"<p>" + "requester: "+ requestorEmail
  +"<p>" + "Reason Code: "+ ReasonCode+ "  "+

   "<a href="+ approve +">Approve</a><br />"+

   "<a href=" +reject+">Reject</a><br />"+

  MailApp.sendEmail(SupervisorsEmail, "Approval Request", "what no html?", {htmlBody: html});


function doGet(e) {

 var app = UiApp.createApplication();
 var requestorEmail = e.values[1];
  Logger.log('replyEmail: ' + requestorEmail);

 var aprovalResponce = (e.parameter.approval == 'true') ? 'Approved.' : 'Sorry, your request has been denied.';

  var msg = "Your manager said :" + aprovalResponce;

  //var replyEmail = e.values[1];

  MailApp.sendEmail(requestorEmail, "Approval Request", msg);

  var helloWorldLabel = app.createLabel(msg);

  return app;

When i run the actual program, everything works fine. But when i receive the e-mail, whether I click approve or reject, I receive an "Invalid email:undefined" error. I'm new to GAS and have researched a lot of tutorials, examples, etc. But it's few that are helpful since the big changes that were recently made.


  • Try changing the second question mark in the URL to an ampersand. What you have now:

    var approve = url + '?approval=true'+'?reply='+requestorEmail;
    var reject = url + '?approval=false'+'?reply='+requestorEmail;



