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Parentheses in string of javascript function call

I have a loop that creates links with a javascript function call in the onClick events and uses the text returned from a database as one of the parameters. My issues I am having is that sometimes this text being returned has parenthesis in them which is causing a syntax error in my code. Example:

formResults += "<a onclick='openForm(" + this.displayText + "," + this.ID + ");'>" + this.displayText + "</a>";

<a onclick="openForm(Example Form (Example Form 1) Application Instructions ,1108);">Example Form (Example Form 1) Application Instructions </a>

as you can see the name of the form contains a set of parenthesis. Is there anyway I can include these? The reason I need to is because the function points to another system that uses the ID and displayText in order to render the proper form. thank you


  • The parenthesis aren't the problem, it's the lack of quotes inside the function.

    formResults += "<a onclick='openForm(\'" + this.displayText + "," + this.ID + "\');'>" + this.displayText + "</a>";

    This below snippet (from yours)

    `openForm(Example Form...`)

    Will throw an error because it's looking for variables Example and so on, quote that string!