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Different Revision Increment in one SVN Repository

How to make a branch have different revision increment in one repository


Repo ----master

when i commit on trunk 5 times and then merge it to master

the result:

Repo ----master (rev:1)
     ----trunk (rev:5)

and then i commit on trunk 4 times and then merge it to master

the result:

Repo ----master (rev:2)
     ----trunk (rev:9)

can it be done in SVN?


  • No. These revision numbers are an internal id for SVN to identify revisions. Even if you don't change the code at all, but only SVN-properties it get's it's own revision-number. SVN doesn't allow the user to set a revision number for a commit and frankly I don't see the need for this. If you want to make such counts, you have to do it independently from SVN.