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Obiee Formula to show TIMESTAMP only hours format

I have the following formula:

TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_SECOND, CAST(("Agent Performance Facts"."ACD After Call Work Outbound Time (Seconds)" + "Agent Performance Facts"."Inbound Talk Time (Seconds)" + "Agent Performance Facts"."Inbound Hold Time (Seconds)")  AS INTEGER), TIMESTAMP '1999-01-01 00:00:00')

When report created I get time as the following example 1/1/1999 4:08:40 AM I want it to show like this only 4:08 how can I do that ?


  • From the Criteria, edit the column properties and under Data Format, set the format to HH:mm. You'll probably have to use a custom date format as this won't be in the list of defaults.