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Find entries with zero distance variance and recorded watts

I'm a cyclist and a programmer. During my rides, I'm recording data to xml files using a phone based gps tracker and a power meter. After the ride, I use the power meter software to merge the data and then upload to a web site. On the website, the resulting data is showing highly inaccurate data for WR Watts (It is a weighted average, also known as normalized power, which by definition is higher than average power and lower than my maximum recorded watts. See (Export TCX History to get the file I'm referring to). /<Watts>\d{4,} returns no results.

Calories:   1809
Max Watts:  676
Avg. Watts: 213 (170 with 0s)
WR Power    23487
Work    1681 kJ
Max Speed:  26.2 mph
Avg. Speed: 16.6 mph

Here are two sample readings from the tcx history file.

          <TPX xmlns="">
          <TPX xmlns="">

I've reviewed every entry for <Watts>\d*</Watts> where the corresponding Cadence was zero (if I'm not pedaling, watts should be zero).


But that did not resolve the issue. My next step is to find entries where the distance between tracepoints does not change and which contains a wattage greater than zero. This returns E65: Illegal back reference



I'm looking for locations where Watts must be zero and are not. These would be where I am not pedaling (Cadence = 0) and also when I am not moving (Consecutive distance nodes that are identical). I've already corrected the Wattage for cadence = 0, but don't know how to find consecutive <DistanceMeters>N</DistanceMeters> nodes where N is unchanged.


  • Given enough determination, it can be done:


    However, why on Earth would you want to do that in Vim?