I've found a piece of OpenCL kernel sample code in Nvidia's developer site
The purpose function maxOneBlock
is to find out the biggest value of array maxValue
and store it to maxValue[0].
I was fully understand about the looping part, but confused about the unroll
part: Why the unroll part do not need to sync thread after each step is done?
e.g: When one thread is done the comparison of localId and localId+32, how does it ensure other thread have stored its result to localId+16?
The kernel code:
void maxOneBlock(__local float maxValue[],
__local int maxInd[])
uint localId = get_local_id(0);
uint localSize = get_local_size(0);
int idx;
float m1, m2, m3;
for (uint s = localSize/2; s > 32; s >>= 1)
if (localId < s)
m1 = maxValue[localId];
m2 = maxValue[localId+s];
m3 = (m1 >= m2) ? m1 : m2;
idx = (m1 >= m2) ? localId : localId + s;
maxValue[localId] = m3;
maxInd[localId] = maxInd[idx];
// unroll the final warp to reduce loop and sync overheads
if (localId < 32)
m1 = maxValue[localId];
m2 = maxValue[localId+32];
m3 = (m1 > m2) ? m1 : m2;
idx = (m1 > m2) ? localId : localId + 32;
maxValue[localId] = m3;
maxInd[localId] = maxInd[idx];
m1 = maxValue[localId];
m2 = maxValue[localId+16];
m3 = (m1 > m2) ? m1 : m2;
idx = (m1 > m2) ? localId : localId + 16;
maxValue[localId] = m3;
maxInd[localId] = maxInd[idx];
m1 = maxValue[localId];
m2 = maxValue[localId+8];
m3 = (m1 > m2) ? m1 : m2;
idx = (m1 > m2) ? localId : localId + 8;
maxValue[localId] = m3;
maxInd[localId] = maxInd[idx];
m1 = maxValue[localId];
m2 = maxValue[localId+4];
m3 = (m1 > m2) ? m1 : m2;
idx = (m1 > m2) ? localId : localId + 4;
maxValue[localId] = m3;
maxInd[localId] = maxInd[idx];
m1 = maxValue[localId];
m2 = maxValue[localId+2];
m3 = (m1 > m2) ? m1 : m2;
idx = (m1 > m2) ? localId : localId + 2;
maxValue[localId] = m3;
maxInd[localId] = maxInd[idx];
m1 = maxValue[localId];
m2 = maxValue[localId+1];
m3 = (m1 > m2) ? m1 : m2;
idx = (m1 > m2) ? localId : localId + 1;
maxValue[localId] = m3;
maxInd[localId] = maxInd[idx];
Why the unroll part do not need to sync thread after each step is done?
The sample is incorrect, a barrier is indeed required after each step.
It looks like the sample is written in warp-synchronous style, which is a way of exploiting the underlying execution mechanism of the warps on NVIDIA hardware, but incorrect synchronization will cause it to break if the underlying execution mechanism changes or in presence of compiler optimizations.