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How to check Alamofire request has completed

I am developing an iPad application using Swift. For http requests I use Alamofire library. So far I have managed to pull some data from an API. But the problem is since it is an asynchronous call I don't know how to check whether the request has completed. Any help would be appreciated.

This is the code I have implemented so far

Client class

func getUsers(completionHandler: ([User]?, NSError?) -> ()) -> (){

    var users: [User] = []
    let parameters = [
        "ID": "123",
        "apikey": "1234",

    Alamofire.request(.GET, "API_URL", parameters: parameters).responseJSON() {
        (_, _, JSON, error) in
        let items = (JSON!.valueForKey("Users") as! [NSDictionary])
        for item in items {
            var user: User = User()
            user.userId = item.valueForKey("ID")! as? String
            user.userName = item.valueForKey("Name")! as? String
   = item.valueForKey("Group")! as? String
        completionHandler(users, error)


Main class

func getUsers(){
    FacilityClient().getUsers() { (users, error) -> Void in
        if users != nil {
            self.users = users!
        } else{
            println("error - \(error)")

Thank you.


  • The closure part of the Alamofire request is called, when the request has completed. I've used your code and commented the line where the request hast finished:

    Alamofire.request(.GET, "API_URL", parameters: parameters).responseJSON() {
            (_, _, JSON, error) in
          // The request has finished here. Check if error != nil before doing anything else here.
            let items = (JSON!.valueForKey("Users") as! [NSDictionary])
            for item in items {
                var user: User = User()
                user.userId = item.valueForKey("ID")! as? String
                user.userName = item.valueForKey("Name")! as? String
       = item.valueForKey("Group")! as? String
          // After creating the user array we will call the completionHandler, which probably reports back to a ViewController instance
            completionHandler(users, error)