I've got a class using ARC that has a member property that's a mutable dictionary. I then set a value for a key in that dictionary. That value is an object holding a block that references self for the object.
- (void)doSomethingLaterWithVar:(id)var forSlot:(id)slot {
self.doThingsLater[slot] = [DoLaterThingie doAfterNSecs: 5 block:
^(DoLaterThingie *dlt) {
[self.log addObject:@"Did Thingie!!!"]
Have I created a ref-count cycle? It's a bit of a contrived example, but essentially captures what I'm doing. I've managed to wrap my brain about the simple case, but not sure how deep these cycles can go.
You have to create a weak self to prevent the retain cycle.
- (void)doSomethingLaterWithVar:(id)var forSlot:(id)slot {
__weak id weakSelf = self;
self.doThingsLater[slot] = [DoLaterThingie doAfterNSecs: 5 block:
^(DoLaterThingie *dlt) {
[weakSelf.log addObject:@"Did Thingie!!!"]
In a block, if you don't use a weak self, self
will hold on to the block and the block will hold on to self
and neither will be deallocated.