I have use the "*" symbols to do selecting on ios7 sqlite which the effect what i want, but ios8 sqlite does not supporting "*" and show "no result". Is the FMDB problem or the ios 8 does not support the "*" symbols?
SQL(with FMDB):
db.executeStatements("create virtual table if not exists TABLE_1 using fts3(col_1,Result)")
db.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TABLE_1 WHERE col_1 MATCH ?",withArgumentsInArray:["*A*"])
| Name: TABLE_1 |
| col_1 | Result |
| A | result 1 |
| B | result 2 |
| AAB | result 3 |
iOS 8 does not support "*A*"
, but does support "A*"
db.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TABLE_1 WHERE col_1 MATCH ?",withArgumentsInArray:["A*"])