I have problems setting labels with language specifications programmatically after the component has been rendered. I have the following:
public class DateFilterWidget extends Div implements IdSpace {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
Datebox startDate, endDate;
Button filterButton;
Label datefilterLabel;
String field;
public DateFilterWidget(String name, String filterField) {
Executions.createComponents("widgets/datefilter.zul", this, null);
Selectors.wireComponents(this, this, false);
Selectors.wireEventListeners(this, this);
this.field = filterField;
And the datefilter.zul
<hbox sclass="filterWidgetBox" align="center">
<label id="datefilterLabel" />
<datebox id="startDate" format="yyyy-MM-dd"
weekOfYear="true" width="105px"/>
<label value="-" />
<datebox id="endDate" format="yyyy-MM-dd"
weekOfYear="true" width="105px"/>
<button id="filterButtonc"
label="${labels.data.dateFilterButton.label}" />
I the above case the same label has been used for both the button and the label. The button language reference works fine, but the label that got a value programmatically don't work.
I know that I can use the Labels.getLabel("data.dateFilterButton.label"), but this solution removes the possibility to update language unless the whole application is rerendered with the new language.
is a static EL and will only get evaluated once the zul file is parsed, and has the same effect as calling setLabel(Labels.get(Labels.getLabel(...)))
The button language reference works fine
I don't really understand what you mean by that. When I run your example using Labels.getLabel(...)
it works as expected, setting both labels in the current locale. When changing the locale during runtime e.g. from EN -> DE none of the labels update automatically, and both components need to be re-rendered and then update correctly.
To provide a solution, can you please give details on what you expect to happen? Or what you are trying to achieve regarding:
this solution removes the possibility to update language unless the whole application is re-rendered with the new language
"Update" can have several meanings, it's just not clear yet.