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NodeJS: Can't kill spawn of gulp process

I'd like to restart gulp on certain changes. That can be easily done by placing the following within the gulpfile

spawn('gulp', [], { stdio: 'inherit'});

However, once gulp restarts in this way, the process is no longer killed properly with Ctrl+C via the terminal. If I start gulp via terminal, I can capture a Ctrl+C signal, but can't if gulp was started via the spawn in gulpfile. How can I capture 'SIGINT' for the spawn?


  • Okay here's the full story to anyone who might encounter the issue. From what I have been reading, whenever you want to restart gulp from within gulp you simply use:

    spawn('gulp', [], { stdio: 'inherit'});

    I didn't mention process.exit() in my question as I didn't expect it to affect the usage of Ctrl+C. Indeed it was, as my server was an ExpressJS one, whenever I'd use Ctrl+C after gulp restarted from within itself, I would get the port still in use error (Error: listen EADDRINUSE). Obviously, all node processes wasn't being closed. Once I removed the line process.exit() from my code, I was able to use Ctrl+C and successfully close all processes. Below is the useful bit of code in the gulpfile and output in terminal that is related to this issue.

    // gulpfile.js
    gulp.task('restart', function() {
      spawn('gulp', [], { stdio: 'inherit'});
      process.exit(); // this line needs to be removed
    process.on('SIGINT', function() {
      setTimeout(function() {
        gutil.log('Successfully closed ' +;
      }, 500);
    // Console results:
    ^C[20:12:12] Successfully closed 67160
    [20:12:12] Successfully closed 67151