I try to display the current windows for each click on the system.
I do this code :
from AppKit import NSWorkspace
def getwindows():
activeAppName = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().activeApplication()['NSApplicationName']
print activeAppName
def main():
But only the current windows when i setup the script is displayed.
How can i bind this script in a loop with a click event ?
I already try to use Turtle
but some errors appended.
Note that the activeApplication
method of NSWorkSpace
is deprecated. The following can be used to actively probe the running applications for their active status:
import AppKit
import time
rl = AppKit.NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop()
ws = AppKit.NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
for i in xrange(10):
for app in ws.runningApplications():
if app.isActive():
print "active app:", app.localizedName()
date = AppKit.NSDate.date()
rl.acceptInputForMode_beforeDate_( AppKit.NSDefaultRunLoopMode, date )
Active means it is the receiving keyboard input. Clicking on an application will cause it to become active. Note that the acceptInputForMode
method must be called so that property changes are reflected in the current app. Run this program then click on various other applications -- you should see the active app change.
A kind of binding can be done through observers:
import AppKit
ws = AppKit.NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
appL = ws.runningApplications()
class MyClass( AppKit.NSObject ):
def observeValueForKeyPath_ofObject_change_context_(self,
kpath, objid, change, context ):
print "path change", kpath, change['new'], appL[context].localizedName()
obj = MyClass.new()
for i in xrange(len(appL)):
appL[i].addObserver_forKeyPath_options_context_( obj,
"isActive", AppKit.NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew, i )
date = AppKit.NSDate.date().dateByAddingTimeInterval_( 10 )
rl = AppKit.NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop()
rl.acceptInputForMode_beforeDate_( AppKit.NSDefaultRunLoopMode, date )
for app in appL:
app.removeObserver_forKeyPath_( obj, "isActive" )
Run this program same as the last.
There are a few other properties of NSRunningApplication
that you could probe/observe (such as hidden
) but the list is quite short.