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Adding wheel factorization to an indefinite sieve

I’m modifying an indefinite sieve of Eratosthenes from here so it uses wheel factorization to skip more composites than its current form of just checking all odds.

I’ve worked out how to generate the steps to take to reach all the gaps along the wheel. From there I figured I could just substitute the +2’s for these wheel steps but it’s causing the sieve to skip primes. Here's the code:

from itertools import count, cycle

def dvprm(end):
    "finds primes by trial division. returns a list"
    for i in range(3, end+1, 2):
        if all(map(lambda x:i%x, primes)):
    return primes

def prod(seq, factor=1):
    "sequence -> product"
    for i in seq:factor*=i
    return factor

def wheelGaps(primes):
    """returns list of steps to each wheel gap
    that start from the last value in primes"""
    strtPt= primes.pop(-1)#where the wheel starts
    whlCirm= prod(primes)# wheel's circumference

    #spokes are every number that are divisible by primes (composites)
    gaps=[]#locate where the non-spokes are (gaps)
    for i in xrange(strtPt, strtPt+whlCirm+1, 2):
        if not all(map(lambda x:i%x,primes)):continue#spoke 
        else: gaps.append(i)#non-spoke

    #find the steps needed to jump to each gap (beginning from the start of the wheel)
    steps=[]#last step returns to start of wheel
    for i,j in enumerate(gaps):
        if i==0:continue
        steps.append(j - gaps[i-1])
    return steps

def wheel_setup(num):
    "builds initial data for sieve"
    initPrms=dvprm(num)#initial primes from the "roughing" pump
    gaps = wheelGaps(initPrms[:])#get the gaps
    c= initPrms.pop(-1)#prime that starts the wheel

    return initPrms, gaps, c

def wheel_psieve(lvl=0, initData=None):
    '''postponed prime generator with wheels

    whlSize=11#wheel size, 1 higher prime than
    # 5 gives 2- 3 wheel      11 gives 2- 7 wheel 
    # 7 gives 2- 5 wheel      13 gives 2-11 wheel
    #set to 0 for no wheel

    if lvl:#no need to rebuild the gaps, just pass them down the levels
        initPrms, gaps, c = initData
    else:#but if its the top level then build the gaps
        if whlSize>4:
            initPrms, gaps, c = wheel_setup(whlSize) 
            initPrms, gaps, c= dvprm(7), [2], 9

    #toss out the initial primes
    for p in initPrms:
        yield p

    compost = {}#found composites to skip

    ps=wheel_psieve(lvl+1, (initPrms, gaps, c))

    p=next(ps)#advance lower level to appropriate square
    while p*p < c:

    while True:
        step1 = next(cgaps)#step to next value

        step2=compost.pop(c, 0)#step to next multiple

        if not step2:

            #see references for details
            if c < psq:
                yield c
                c += step1


        d = c + step2
        while d in compost:
            d+= step2
        compost[d]= step2

        c += step1

I'm using this to check it:

def test(num=100):
    for i,p in enumerate(wheel_psieve(), 1):
        if i>num:break

    print sum(found)
    return found

When I set the wheel size to 0, I get the correct sum of 24133 for the first one hundred primes, but when I use any other wheel size, I end up with missing primes, incorrect sums and composites. Even a 2-3 wheel (which uses alternate steps of 2 and 4) makes the sieve miss primes. What am I doing wrong?


  • The odds, i.e. 2-coprimes, are generated by "rolling the wheel" [2], i.e. by repeated additions of 2, starting from the initial value of 3 (similarly from 5, 7, 9, ...),

    n=3; n+=2; n+=2; n+=2; ...           # wheel = [2]
      3     5     7     9

    The 2-3-coprimes are generated by repeated additions of 2, then 4, and again 2, then 4, and so on:

    n=5; n+=2; n+=4; n+=2; n+=4; ...     # wheel = [2,4]
      5     7    11    13    17

    Here we do need to know where to start adding the differences from, 2 or 4, depending on the initial value. For 5, 11, 17, ..., it's 2 (i.e. 0-th element of the wheel); for 7, 13, 19, ..., it's 4 (i.e. 1-st element).

    How can we know where to start? The point to the wheel optimization is that we work only on this sequence of coprimes (in this example, 2-3-coprimes). So in the part of the code where we get the recursively generated primes, we will also maintain the rolling wheel stream, and advance it until we see that next prime in it. The rolling sequence will need to produce two results - the value and the wheel position. Thus when we see the prime, we also get the corresponding wheel position, and we can start off the generation of its multiples starting from that position on the wheel. We multiply everything by p of course, to start from p*p:

    for (i, p) # the (wheel position, summated value) 
               in enumerated roll of the wheel:
      when p is the next prime:
        multiples of p are m =  p*p;       # map (p*) (roll wheel-at-i from p)
                           m += p*wheel[i]; 
                           m += p*wheel[i+1];    ...

    So each entry in the dict will have to maintain its current value, its base prime, and its current wheel position (wrapping around to 0 for circularity, when needed).

    To produce the resulting primes, we roll another coprimes sequence, and keep only those elements of it that are not in the dict, just as in the reference code.

    update: after a few iterations on codereview (big thanks to the contributors there!) I've arrived at this code, using itertools as much as possible, for speed:

    from itertools import accumulate, chain, cycle, count
    def wsieve():  # wheel-sieve, by Will Ness.
        wh11 = [ 2,4,2,4,6,2,6,4,2,4,6, 6,2,6,4,2,6,4,6,8,4,2, 4,
                 2,4,8,6,4,6,2,4,6,2,6, 6,4,2,4,6,2,6,4,2,4,2, 10,2,10]
        cs = accumulate(chain([11], cycle(wh11)))    # roll the wheel from 11
        yield(next(cs))       # cf.,
        ps = wsieve()         #
        p = next(ps)          # 11
        psq = p**2            # 121
        D = dict(zip(accumulate(chain([0], wh11)), count(0)))  # wheel roll lookup dict
        mults = {}
        for c in cs:          # candidates, coprime with 210, from 11
            if c in mults:
                wheel = mults.pop(c)
            elif c < psq:
                yield c
            else:    # c==psq:  map (p*) (roll wh from p) = roll (wh*p) from (p*p)
                i = D[(p-11) % 210]                 # look up wheel roll starting point
                wheel = accumulate( chain( [psq], 
                                 cycle( [p*d for d in wh11[i:] + wh11[:i]])))
                p = next(ps)
                psq = p**2
            for m in wheel:   # pop, save in m, and advance
                if m not in mults:
            mults[m] = wheel  # mults[143] = wheel@187
    def primes():
        yield from (2, 3, 5, 7)
        yield from wsieve()

    Unlike the above description, this code directly calculates where to start rolling the wheel for each prime, to generate its multiples