I'm pretty new to the Model and View concept and I'm having trouble finding the right way to do this. So in my understanding the concept means, that I have one class that handles all the view (GUI) parts and an other class which handles the data processing.
The GUI I made has a few Display Widgets (LCDnumbers) which just have to get data from the other class and output it into the LCD. So I made a function in the GUI class which can set a number into the LCD. And I've made a function which can change the value of the number in the data class. Now I need something to connect those, for example when I change the number in the data class I want it to update in the GUI. I found somethings about Signals and Slots (and emitting a signal) but how does that work, while maintaining the Model and View concept?
It could be that this is answered somewhere else, if so, can you link me the source? I couldn't find anything to solve my problem. Thanks for reading and I hope someone can help me.
Header file of the GUI:
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QtCore>
namespace Ui {
class MainBoardView;
class MainBoardView : public QMainWindow
explicit MainBoardView(QWidget *parent = 0);
void ChangeNumber(int value);
Ui::MainBoardView *ui;
CPP file of the GUI:
#include "mainboardview.h"
#include "ui_mainboardview.h"
MainBoardView::MainBoardView(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainBoardView)
delete ui;
void MainBoardView::ChangeNumber(int value)
Code of the data class:
class MainBoard
void changeMoney(int value);
int m_money;
void MainBoard::ChangeMoney(int value)
m_money = value;
//emit a signal here with the value to the ChangeNumber function of the GUI?
//and how should I do this?
For applying model/view concept of Qt you should use at least one of a model classes. Such model classes provide unified interface for several types of data (string-list, trees, sql, etc.)
For displaying the data one would use either a view-class or widgets connected to the model via QDataWidgetMaper
In your case there is no use of model/view observable. MainBoard should be QObject for emitting the signal:
class MainBoard: public QObject
void changeMoney(int value); //emit value with emit moneyChanged(value) in the implementation.
void moneyChanged(int)
int m_money;