i've created 3 stored procedures. Each of their functions are :
1. proc_insertleveluser -> insert into "leveluser" table and return the last id inserted
2. proc_insertpermissiondtl -> insert into "permission_dtl" table and return the last id inserted
3. proc_insert_relation_lpd -> insert into "lvl_permission_dtl" table with data provided from procedure 1 and 2
create or replace procedure proc_insertleveluser(level_desc varchar, level_ int, department_id varchar, r_id_level out int)
insert into leveluser (level_desc, level_, department_id) values (level_desc, level_, department_id)
returning id_level into r_id_level;
create or replace procedure proc_insertpermissiondtl(status_ int, entry_ int, view_ int, modify_ int, delete_ int, approval_ int, r_id_p_dtl out int)
insert into permission_dtl (status_, entry_, view_, modify_, delete_, approval_)
values(status_, entry_, view_, modify_, delete_, approval_)
returning id_p_dtl into r_id_p_dtl;
and proc_insert_relation_lpd
create or replace procedure proc_insert_relation_lpd(lu_level_desc varchar, lu_level_ int, lu_department_id varchar)
r_id_level int; /* r_ is for return */
r_id_p_dtl int;
type arr_id_p_dtl is varray(13) of int;
arraynya arr_id_p_dtl := arr_id_p_dtl();
proc_insertleveluser(lu_level_desc, lu_level_, lu_department_id, r_id_level);
for i in 1..arraynya.count loop
proc_insertpermissiondtl(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, r_id_p_dtl);
arraynya(i) := r_id_p_dtl;
end loop;
/* more code here to insert to "lvl_permission_dtl" table */
When i execute the code, 1 record added into "leveluser" table, but not in "permission_dtl" table. It seems like the code inside the for loop was not executed.
What causes this? is the "arraynya" variable empty so the for loop won't execute? Or is there another problem? :)
You've created an empty array so the count
will be 0 when you get to the loop. As Bob Jarvis points out, if you want to iterate through the loop 13 times, you'd want to use the limit
, not the count
of the array.
SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
1 declare
2 type arr_id_p_dtl is varray(13) of int;
3 arraynya arr_id_p_dtl := arr_id_p_dtl();
4 begin
5 dbms_output.put_line( 'Count is ' || arraynya.count );
6 dbms_output.put_line( 'Limit is ' || arraynya.limit );
7 --
8 -- This doesn't do anything since the count is 0
9 --
10 for i in 1..arraynya.count
11 loop
12 dbms_output.put_line( 'Count loop i=' || i );
13 end loop;
14 --
15 -- This will iterate 13 times
16 --
17 for i in 1..arraynya.limit
18 loop
19 dbms_output.put_line( 'Limit loop i=' || i );
20 end loop;
21* end;
22 /
Count is 0
Limit is 13
Limit loop i=1
Limit loop i=2
Limit loop i=3
Limit loop i=4
Limit loop i=5
Limit loop i=6
Limit loop i=7
Limit loop i=8
Limit loop i=9
Limit loop i=10
Limit loop i=11
Limit loop i=12
Limit loop i=13
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.