Im trying to create a batch file that will copy a directory to another directory however, the directory I wish to copy too has a portion of the name randomly generated i.e. "jibberish.Directory1". is there a way to do this ?
I was trying something like:
XCOPY "%~dp0DATA\test" "%APPDATA%\Application1\Directory\*Directory1\" /E /C /R /I /K /Y
but total fail. Any help would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks!
xcopy does not support wildcards in directory names. Therefore a for loop is additionally necessary for this task which is as follows:
In folder C:\Temp
there is the batch file DuplicateFolder.bat
with the code below.
The folder to duplicate is DATA\test
in directory of the batch file.
All these subfolders and files should be copied to each subfolder in %APPDATA%\Application1\Directory
ending with a number after a dot.
contains for example:
The last folder should be ignored as it does not contain a dot and a number at end.
The result should be for example for the first subfolder Folder abc.1
Code of DuplicateFolder.bat
@echo off
set "SourceFolder=%~dp0DATA\test"
for /D %%F in ("%APPDATA%\Application1\Directory\*") do (
if not "%%~xF" == "" %SystemRoot%\System32\xcopy.exe "%SourceFolder%" "%%~F" /E /C /Q /R /I /K /Y >nul
set "SourceFolder="
This batch file just checks if folder name contains a dot without checking if string after dot - the "file extension" referenced with %%~xF
- is really a number. This very simple test is very fast.
For details about used command for and an explanation of the parameters and special loop variable references open a command prompt window, execute for /?
, and read help output for this command in the console window.