I'm a beginner at Android development. I have a problem trying to show in a List view that the query doesn't bring any result. I just appear blank (nothing) without indications.
I'm using a Search dialog with customs suggestions, and when I start writing the query, the search starts suggesting, but when nothing match the query, no message appears.I want to create a massage that tells "no data found".
I've created a content provider, a custom suggest interface and a custom cursor adapter to query with a searchable activity an sqlite database.
All the app works perfect but the "no data" massage or toast.
Which part of the code you need?
Add this in searchable class
mlistView.setEmptyView( findViewById( R.id.zero_result ) );
and this in xml layout file
<TextView android:id="@+id/zero_resultt"
android:text="No match data"/>