I have some pytest logs to process.
example of the log line is
"== 5 failed, 2 passed, 11 deselected, 7 xfailed, 2 xpassed in 1155.95 seconds =="
I need to filter this type of log lines and make key value pairs as below failed
passed=2,deselected=11and xfailed=7
Please help me to write filter in logstash config file
You don't provide any information that you've tried to do this yourself, but...
The general idea is to use the grok{} filter to parse the line into fields. Here's a start:
grok {
match => [ "message", "== %{NUMBER:failed} failed," ]
This will create a field called 'failed' that would contain the value '5' from your sample data. Continue that idea with the other interesting data.