I am building an app using React.js and Reflux and I am having trouble getting a component to listen to a store.
First of all, I have successfully linked my store with an event, which looks like this:
Component sends action to store:
var CalcRow = React.createClass({
handleChange: function(){
// links to action in store.js
render: function() {
return(// redacted)
global.TodoActions = Reflux.createActions([
"costChange" // called by individual cost item input
Store that Recieves the Action:
global.todoListStore = Reflux.createStore({
listenables: [TodoActions],
onCostChange: function(){
Component that Subscribes / listens to the store
var CalcApp = React.createClass({
mixins: [Reflux.listenTo(todoListStore,"onStatusChange")],
onStatusChange: function() {
getInitialState: function(){
cat1: this.props.cat1
render: function() {
return (// redacted)
I am able to connect the first component (CalcRow) with it's store, and trigger the alert('test1'), but I have not succeeded in making CalcApp listen to the todoListStore and have it fire alert('test2').
I have read the official Reflux docs, but there appears to be something I am missing because CalcApp does not listen to the todoListStore as expected.
Does anyone have any insight into how I can make this (CalcApp) listen to the Reflux store (todoListStore)?
Your store doesn't emit anything. You need to call this.trigger
global.todoListStore = Reflux.createStore({
listenables: [TodoActions],
onCostChange: function(){