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R, knitr, xtable, using both and hline.after

I’m trying to produce a table with xtable in R using knitr. I have inserted a header and extra \hlines. I’m using the command to insert my header at the top, as well as midway through the table. I can’t seem to get the hline.after command correct.

I would like my table to look like two tables (though it's one), with an hline after the 4th row of numbers and before the second heading. After using the command, I can’t seem to put lines there.

Any suggestions?



<<table, results='asis'>>=

# Generate some data
dat <- rnorm(48)
tab <-, nrow=6, ncol=8))

addtorow <- list()
addtorow$pos <- list()
addtorow$pos[[1]] <- 0
addtorow$pos[[2]] <- 0
addtorow$pos[[3]] <- 4
addtorow$pos[[4]] <- 4
addtorow$command <- c(' & & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Group 1} & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Group 2} & 
                     \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Group 3}  \\\\\n',  
                   " name & $\\hat{\\beta}$ & A & B & A & B & A & B  \\\\\n", 
                   " & & & & & & & \\\\\n",
                   " name & $\\hat{\\sigma}$ & A & B & A & B & A & B  \\\\\n")

print(xtable(tab, align="rrccccccc"),, ,     include.rownames=FALSE, 
  include.colnames=FALSE, hline.after = c(-1, 0, 4, nrow(tab)))



  • Try adding the lines inside the

    addtorow <- list()
    addtorow$pos <- list()
    addtorow$pos[[1]] <- 0
    addtorow$pos[[2]] <- 0
    addtorow$pos[[3]] <- 4
    addtorow$pos[[4]] <- 4
    addtorow$pos[[5]] <- 4
    addtorow$pos[[6]] <- 4
    addtorow$command <- c(' & & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Group 1} & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Group 2} & 
                         \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Group 3}  \\\\\n',  
                       " name & $\\hat{\\beta}$ & A & B & A & B & A & B  \\\\\n", 
                       " \\hline\n",
                       " & & & & & & & \\\\\n",
                       " \\hline\n",
                       " name & $\\hat{\\sigma}$ & A & B & A & B & A & B  \\\\\n")
       & & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Group 1} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Group 2} &
    \multicolumn{2}{c}{Group 3}  \\
      name & $\hat{\beta}$ & A & B & A & B & A & B  \\
       1.28 & -0.71 & 1.30 & -1.08 & -0.32 & -0.84 & -0.75 & 0.67 \\ 
      -0.83 & -0.41 & 0.09 & 0.29 & -0.91 & -0.04 & -1.61 & -0.71 \\ 
      -1.82 & 0.16 & -0.34 & 0.39 & -1.58 & 0.44 & -0.81 & -0.89 \\ 
      -2.03 & 0.30 & 1.27 & -0.46 & -1.02 & 2.98 & -0.34 & -0.75 \\ 
      & & & & & & & \\
      name & $\hat{\sigma}$ & A & B & A & B & A & B  \\
    0.88 & 1.44 & 0.11 & -0.66 & -2.31 & -1.21 & -0.06 & 0.22 \\ 
      0.43 & 1.07 & -1.10 & 0.93 & -0.72 & 1.52 & -1.52 & -0.83 \\ 