I have a shiny app using the package shinydashboard.
At first, I had all the files as 3 files - global.R, server.R, ui.R.
As files got bigger and messy, I took out the codes for each menus, and placed them in a separate folder. (splitting shiny files - http://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/scoping.html)
everything works, but there's something annoying happening - it displays 'TRUE' at the bottom of the ui of the menus I split into separate folder.
If everything is just in one big file, it doesn't display TRUE.
anyone know why this is happening?
functionally, everything is same.
What's happening is that source
returns a list with 2 things inside: value
which is the actual R code inside, and visible
which is whether or not the code returned visibly or invisibly. The TRUE
you are seeing is a reflection of the fact that the code returned visibly.
What you want to do is include the value
of that list. So instead of
source("file.R", local = TRUE)
Change it to
source("file.R", local = TRUE)$value
That should fix it