I have got a table with an hstore column. What I need to do is sumarize all of the entries of a specific hstore key.
one Stat record looks like this:
id: 2041,
tenant_name: "isabela",
created_at: Tue, 05 May 2015 23:31:01 UTC +00:00,
updated_at: Tue, 05 May 2015 23:31:01 UTC +00:00>,
With totals being the hstore column. What i would like is to find the sum of every records value1 for a specific day. so far i got:
string = [];
dates.each do |date|
count = Stat.where(created_at: DateTime.parse(date).midnight..DateTime.parse(date).midnight + 1.day))
//(dates = an array of dates)
Does anyone have a good idea how to do this?
update got it to work with:
You should do :
sums = dates.map do |date|
Stat.where(created_at: DateTime.parse(date).midnight..DateTime.parse(date).midnight + 1.day))
now holds the summation of value1
of all records/per day.