I am writing a simulation in R. I have decided to use S4 class to return two values in my function. When I run the simulation, I am wondering how I can retrieve the values from the output to calculate moments of distribution from them such as mean?
The output looks like below:
> TMRCA_sim <-replicate(10000, Coalescent_fun(n, Ne))
> head(TMRCA_sim)
An object of class "Coalescent"
Slot "TMRCA":
[1] 6.723592
Slot "t_total":
[1] 9.693661
An object of class "Coalescent"
Slot "TMRCA":
[1] 1.592346
Slot "t_total":
[1] 11.50406
What I would want to do is to extract all the values of "TMRCA" and "t_total" and calculate the mean. Of course I could use many other ways to do the simulation but I want to learn the use of classes at the same time.
You can extract your data into a matrix:
mx <- sapply(TMRCA_sim, function(x) sapply(slotNames(x), slot, object=x))
With some made up data this is what mx
looks like:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
TMRCA 0.3823880 0.3403490 0.5995658 0.1862176 0.6684667
t_total 0.8696908 0.4820801 0.4935413 0.8273733 0.7942399
And then you can use rowMeans
or apply
apply(mx, 1, mean) # equivalent, though slower and more flexible
apply(mx, 1, var)
Though as I note in my comments, this is a really slow way of doing things in R. You want your Coalescent_fun
to produce objects with two vectors with many entries each, not one object per simulation.