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Can't rotate y-axis tick text when axis is rotated

I'm trying to rotate the axis ticks along the bottom of the chart. I can rotate the x-axis ticks just fine but once I rotate the axis itself then the axis along the bottom is technically considered the y-axis and I can no longer rotate the ticks.

I want bars going across from left to right and I want the ticks along the bottom to be tilted.

Any help would be appreciated.

var day1 = new Date();
day1.setDate(day1.getDate() - 7);
var day2 = new Date();
day2.setDate(day2.getDate() - 6);
var day3 = new Date();
day3.setDate(day3.getDate() - 5);
var day4 = new Date();
day4.setDate(day4.getDate() - 4);
var day5 = new Date();
day5.setDate(day5.getDate() - 3);

var chart = c3.generate({
    data: {
        x: 'x',
        columns: [
            ['x', day1, day2, day3, day4, day5],
            ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250]
        type: 'bar'
    axis: {
        rotated: true,
        x: {
            type: 'timeseries',
            tick: {
                format: '%m-%d',
                rotate: 75
        y: {
            tick: {
                rotate: 75


  • Hmm. You'd probably have to manually position the x-ticks yourself, using D3.

    Something like in the example.

    var day1 = new Date();
    day1.setDate(day1.getDate() - 7);
    var day2 = new Date();
    day2.setDate(day2.getDate() - 6);
    var day3 = new Date();
    day3.setDate(day3.getDate() - 5);
    var day4 = new Date();
    day4.setDate(day4.getDate() - 4);
    var day5 = new Date();
    day5.setDate(day5.getDate() - 3);
    var chart = c3.generate({
      data: {
        x: 'x',
        columns: [
          ['x', day1, day2, day3, day4, day5],
          ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250]
        type: 'bar'
      axis: {
        rotated: true,
        x: {
          type: 'timeseries',
          tick: {
            format: '%m-%d',
            rotate: 75
        y: {
          tick: {
            rotate: 75
      d3.selectAll(".c3-axis-y text").attr("transform", "rotate(75)").attr("y", -1).attr("x", 0).style("text-anchor", "start").style("display", "block");
      d3.selectAll(".c3-axis-y tspan").attr("x", 0).attr("dy", ".71em").attr("dx", 7.72)
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id='chart' />