I tried to extend my ful list of players.
When I use the reallo
c function, it save my player except the last.
I mean that if I had 4 players in my array and I tried to extend my array to 7 I got a new array in size 7 and just 3 players.
This is part of the function:
void initializeListForTree(Player** players, int listSize)
int formulaSize = bla bla bla.....
players = (Player **)realloc(players, sizeof(Player *)*formulaSize);
if (!players)
printf("memory allocation failed\n");
More something like:
void initializeListForTree(Player*** players, int listSize)
int formulaSize = bla bla bla.....
void *p = realloc(*players, sizeof(Player *)*formulaSize);
if (!p) {
printf("memory allocation failed\n");
else {
*players = p;
and at the call site
Player **playerslist = NULL;
initializeListForTree(&playerslist, 1);
initializeListForTree(&playerslist, 2);
This, of course, only if your type is a pointer to a list of pointers.