I would like to draw a triangle whose vertices are a bit smoothed in Java Swing. I learnt how to draw a triangle with these lines of code
Polygon p=new Polygon (vertice_x, vertices_y, number_of_vertices);
but I've found nothing about rounded corners. I read there is a method in Graphics2D that lets you to draw a rectangle with rounded borders but for a general Polygon? How should I do that?
For more control over the rounded corners (beyond using a Stroke), you can combine 3 lines for the sides, and 3 bezier curves for the rounded corners. Use linear interpolation to get the start/end point of the lines and curves, with the corner points being the control point for the curves.
public Point interpolate(Point p1, Point p2, double t){
return new Point((int)Math.round(p1.x * (1-t) + p2.x*t),
(int)Math.round(p1.y * (1-t) + p2.y*t));
Point p1 = new Point(50,10);
Point p2 = new Point(10,100);
Point p3 = new Point(100,100);
Point p1p2a = interpolate(p1, p2, 0.2);
Point p1p2b = interpolate(p1, p2, 0.8);
Point p2p3a = interpolate(p2, p3, 0.2);
Point p2p3b = interpolate(p2, p3, 0.8);
Point p3p1a = interpolate(p3, p1, 0.2);
Point p3p1b = interpolate(p3, p1, 0.8);
g.drawLine(p1p2a.x, p1p2a.y, p1p2b.x, p1p2b.y);
g.drawLine(p2p3a.x, p2p3a.y, p2p3b.x, p2p3b.y);
g.drawLine(p3p1a.x, p3p1a.y, p3p1b.x, p3p1b.y);
QuadCurve2D c1 = new QuadCurve2D.Double(p1p2b.x, p1p2b.y, p2.x, p2.y, p2p3a.x, p2p3a.y);
QuadCurve2D c2 = new QuadCurve2D.Double(p2p3b.x, p2p3b.y, p3.x, p3.y, p3p1a.x, p3p1a.y);
QuadCurve2D c3 = new QuadCurve2D.Double(p3p1b.x, p3p1b.y, p1.x, p1.y, p1p2a.x, p1p2a.y);
In the above code, you can adjust the t
parameter passed to interpolate
to change how rounded the corners are.
You can also append all of these into a Path2D. Path2D
implements the Shape
interface, which among other things allows on to pass the object to Graphics2D.fill
to fill the Shape
Path2D path = new Path2D.Double();
AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
path.moveTo(p1p2a.x, p1p2a.y);
path.lineTo(p1p2b.x, p1p2b.y);
path.append(c1.getPathIterator(at), true);
path.lineTo(p2p3b.x, p2p3b.y);
path.append(c2.getPathIterator(at), true);
path.lineTo(p3p1b.x, p3p1b.y);
path.append(c3.getPathIterator(at), true);