Xcode is doing something bizzare which I at one point in time fixed but now for the life of me I can't figure out what's wrong.
Xcode is building my project fine - no errors on a clean-all build. All my product names and info.plists agree, all the settings appear to be correct. I've only got the one build configuration (I always delete all of them except when I got to actually release something - waay to many invisible problems with these things).
Except that it is not generating binaries for my code.
Eh wot?
I have recently checked the code out on a new computer, and I checked all the paths and everything exists where it should.
any help is appreciated. It is not throwing any errors and neither the binary for the .app nor the .plugin (project.app/Contents/MacOS/THERE IS NOTHING HERE).
UGH so the answer is that one of my linked libraries was not pointing to the proper Dynamic Library Name
for itself.
It was something like build/Proj.build/Development/blah...
And it needed to be /Library/Frameworks/$(EXECUTABLE_PATH)
because that's where it was installed on the other computer.
+1 Kudos to @cdespinosa for thinking it was a linking error.
Lesson learned: if you include anything you yourself make, always otool -L