Create function getbyID ( @id int )
Returns table
select * from Products where
Function above retruns all records of the Products where the product Id is grater than 10 .
When used with CROSS APPLY as below
select o.* from [Order Details] o
CROSS APPLY getbyID(o.ProductID) P
i get in the result some productID less than 10 which is not possible .
The example uses NORTWIND database sample available everywhere .
ORDER DETAILS table and PRODCUTS tables are linked by the ProductID
Select* from getbyID (1) gives result below
When the UDF is called (as above) result shows some productID < 10
Can you see where is the error ?
If you want your function to just return products where the ProductID is greater than 10, you should add this check to the where clause. For example:
Create function getbyID ( @id int )
Returns table
select * from Products
ProductID=@id AND
ProductID > 10)