Using symfony standard edition 2.6 and the FOSRestBundle, I'm throwing HttpException in my controller:
throw new HttpException(525, "An error occured", $e);
In the browser, it shows as an error 500.
When using 509 for instance, it's showing as 509.
What's wrong ?
It seems that it's a bug from symfony.
In the HttpKernel->handleException()
method, only the status code is set:
if ($e instanceof HttpExceptionInterface) {
// keep the HTTP status code and headers
Then it tries to detect the statusText
from the static array Response::$statusText
but your code (530) is not defined, so it sets an empty text:
if (null === $text) {
$this->statusText = isset(self::$statusTexts[$code]) ? self::$statusTexts[$code] : '';
return $this;
if (false === $text) {
$this->statusText = '';
return $this;
I'm not sure that according to the from the RFC the statusText (== reapon-phrase) is mandatory: it seems that is can be a space, so HTTP/1.1 525
(with two space) should be valid.
I think that apache (or the apache php binding) is modifying the status code when no status text is provided.