I looked here in stackoverflow and google for some days for something like my case, but all the examples I found did not work.
What I want is to have my parent window with the menu, and then call other child windows from that menu and execute/show them inside the parent window.
I tried put a widget in the parent window and call the child window inside of it, use MDIArea, but nothing worked.
Obs.: My screen files are generated from Qt designer, and I'm making separated classes to manipulate the widgets, pushbuttons, etc to keep everything more organized.
I created MdiArea in my main window using QtDesigner and them in a class triggered by clicking a menu I call the subwindow (a widget created with QtDesigner too) inside the MdiArea.
from resources.SubWindowQtDes import Ui_SubWindow
from resources.MainWindowQTDes import Ui_MainWindow
class cadastraAluno(Ui_SubWindow,Ui_MainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(cadastraAluno, self).__init__(parent = None)
dialog = Ui_SubWindow()
window = Ui_MainWindow()
mdi = window.mdiArea
mdi.addSubWindow(dialog, flags = 0)
I found a way. I used self.show()
instead of dialog.show()
and self.mdiArea
instead of window.mdiArea
Now I close the window and show it again with the widgets I want. I want to find a way to just "refresh" the window. But this is subject for another topic.
Thanks a lot guys.