I'm searching for a simple way to paste the content of a file directly from IntelliJ into hastebin.
But I didn't find any plugin for IntelliJ. I'm running IntelliJ on Xubuntu 14.12.
Thank you in advance
Hi we used the following solution provided here: https://github.com/seejohnrun/haste-client
By using a simple Bash Script and External Tools in Intellij.
Bash Script:
hastepost() { a=$(cat); curl -X POST -s -d "$a" hastebin.com/documents | awk -F '"' '{print "hastebin.com/"$4}'; }
url=$(cat $1 | hastepost)
echo $url
xdg-open $url
If you do not need to open the browser when execution is finished just remove the last line of the bash script.
Then create a new External Tool in Intellij with the following parameters:
Where /home/user/Dev/TOOLS/hastebin/hastebin.sh
is the path to your bash script.