i'm currently working on a project which has 2 different locals (nl/fr).
We're facing this problem : How can I get the translated url for the current page when I display fr/nl button
I'm currently working with friendly_id and globalize
we've tried :
= link_to "nl", params.merge(locale: "nl")
= link_to "nl", url_for(:locale => :nl)
both work to change the current language but as we've friendly_url, when the page is loaded in french (localhost:3000/c/animaux)
we should have
instead of
I've so many link to translate so I wish there's a railsway to do this.
You could either pass the resource to url_for:
= link_to "nl", params.merge(locale: "nl", id: @resource.id)
If that is too much code duplication you could create a helper:
# Try to guess the resource from controller name
# @param [String] locale
# @param [Hash] options - passed on to url_for
# @option options [String] :text the text for the link
# @option options [Object] :resource the model to link to.
def page_in_other_locale(locale, options = {})
opts = params.dup.merge(options).merge(locale: locale)
text = opts[:text] || locale
resource = nil
if opts[:resource]
resource = opts[:resource]
resource = controller.instance_variable_get?(":@#{controller_name.singularize}")
opts.merge!(id: resource.try(:id)) if resource
link_to(text, opts.except(:text, :resource))
Another alternative is to use I18n.with_locale
, it lets you run a block in another locale:
I18n.with_locale(:nl) do
link_to('nl', params.merge(id: category.name))