I have created a site in OpenAM.
./ssoadm create-site -s "Site1" -i http://localhost:8080/opensso -u amadmin -f password-file
I would like to set this Site as a Parent Site in this server.
I can do this easily using the Admin Console, but my challenge is to do this using ssoadm, or through CLI.
I tried googling but can't find any examples. Also, list-server-cfg does not show any property that corresponds to Parent Site.
EDIT: I did try something like ./ssoadm update-server-cfg --options -u amadmin -f password-file -s "http://localhost:8080/opensso" -a parentsite="Site1" but all this does is to create a new property called parentsite and the value "Site1". This did not work for me.
Use add-site-members:
ssoadm add-site-members -s "Site1" -e http://localhost:8080/opensso -u amadmin -f password-file